Rose Brauning - Your Premier Designs Jeweler

Premier Designs was waiting for me...

I love wearing jewelry. I love the people that I serve. I live what I love! Do you? 

Hi there! I'm Rose...

Thanks for visiting my web page!

I started selling Premier Designs Jewelry because I LOVE JEWELRY. I LOVE PEOPLE. I LOVED THE IDEA OF OWNING MY OWN BUSINESS! You can read more about me, if you want, by clicking on my Bio page...

I started this website so that I could help others who are selling, Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry, gain access to the tools that help me run my business!

Why do I love Premier?

Our Philosophy
We believe God created every person with value.
We believe life's priorities should be God, family, and then career.
We believe in America and the free enterprise system.
We believe people are our most important asset.

The ENTIRE Mission statement is phenomenal and I am SO BLESSED to have this company meet all the needs in MY LIFE. Please find more at

Passionately Serving and Fashionably Yours,

Rosemarie Brauning